Gomier are world renowned for their upright, short trip trikes. They have now produced a very economical delta trike for those seeking a longer, more comfortable ride. Featuring Sram X-3 derailleur mated to Gripshift twist shifter, the Delta has 21 gears, with a range sufficient to get up most uphills.
The handlebars are adjustable for width & angle, allowing you to have your hands in the perfect position. Length adjustment is achieved by moving the seat forward or backwards. The rear seat stays are also adjustable, allowing you to find the ideal seating angle for your back.
The Delta features 3 x 20″wheels fitted with Kenda Kwest 1.5″ tyres. These will give a relatively comfortable, fast ride.
To order your Gomier Delta, click here: http://trisled.com.au/product/gomier-delta-trike/