This bike maintains excellent stability with heavy cargo by carrying the load directly above the front wheel. However, MaxiBike’s biggest advantage is its simplicity. Forget trailers and panniers… just throw everything in a tub mounted to the front load rack and you’re off!
It’s not hard to imagine MaxiBike’s practical possibilities. It can carry just about anything you can think of: food, plants, shopping bags, boxes, documents, and for the quintessential Australia, it will even carry a slab!
The bike that started our world famous range of cargo bikes is still in production after 10 years! Originally custom designed for mail Mail Call couriers at the helm.
This tough little haulers original design brief was ‘2 boxes of legal documents, 4 blocks, Pronto!’…over a dozen of them have been doing just that in Sydney CBD for 10 years now! Build Trisled Tough coz we know how couriers ride!